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About us

Welcome to PRO-AGE Aesthetics Academy!

At PRO-AGE AESTHETICS ACADEMY we are committed to giving you the in-depth practical knowledge and upgrading your existing skills with innovative non-invasive  techniques sourced from around the world, so that no matter where you are located, you could get your hands on the best practices in the field of aesthetics and wellness.  On top of that, our training programmes also focus on the importance of the therapist’s relationship with themselves, their ability to see their own internal barriers and, most importantly, the potential which expands when those barriers are removed. Our students learn to be that special someone who cares for human behind the client, to be that haven of psychological safety, trust and compassion combined with absolute confidence in themselves, their practical skills and their mission.

Our trainers have years of experience teaching students worldwide. To ensure that our courses are of the highest educational standard, PRO-AGE AESTHETICS ACADEMY has become an accredited training provider with CPD UK.

Training is provided via online platform, at live events worldwide, and mixed format. 

Meet Our Founders

Tatiana and Uma

Life is a wonderful tapestry of ups and downs, learning, challenges, triumphs and experiences. The people we meet, places we travel, careers we choose, our beliefs, our lifestyle and our choices are ultimately shaping us into who we are today.

Our founders are sharing their stories. 

Uma Ghosh

My Story

Tatiana Vorontsova

My Story

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